Monday, April 26, 2010

In view of rising oil prices, do you think the US should drill the Alaskan oil reserves?

Absolutely, we should be getting to our own resources since we have more than enough for an eternity. Furthermore, we see foreign country's slant drilling OFF OF OUR COASTS (Florida and California) dipping into our OWN RESERVES. Something is majorly wrong when our Politicians listen to the eco bullies and refuse to let us use our own resources!!!!! It has been proven that we can drill, use coal to oil, withOUT harming our environment or its inhabitants.

I must further add, that we are going to NEED these, our own reserves, to bide this Country OVER until alternatives are up, running smoothly and cost effective. Do you realize that almost everything needs ';oil'; to be made, so in that respective no matter what alternatives, we will still be needing oil.

WAKE UP AMERICA..........our POLITICIANS are actually hijacking this country of OURS. I also have just read, and do not have the link at the moment, that again our Congress will be voting on just another bill that WILL INCREASE the taxes on said oil/gas.In view of rising oil prices, do you think the US should drill the Alaskan oil reserves?
I honestly don't know.

What I DO know is that the drilling is blocked in Congress.

Now, if the oil up there were not economically feasible to bring to market, as was alleged above, then there is no need for the law, and repealing it will change nothing.

However, if it is economically feasible, it will have an impact on the market price of crude oil worldwide, and that can only be in one direction.

In view of rising oil prices, what I think the US should do is eliminate all of the regulation that is preventing oil exploration and drilling, construction of refineries and nuclear power plants, and stop subsidizing alternative energy because if it needs a subsidy, it is by definition less efficient and will distort the markets (which is always to the consumer's disadvantage).In view of rising oil prices, do you think the US should drill the Alaskan oil reserves?
Would have little to no effect on the current gas prices. Most experts I've read say that the ANWR oil would take until about 1015 at the earliest to enter the market. The Bakken oil field in western North Dakota and eastern Montana (which is already being drilled) holds far more oil than ANWR and is not in a National Wildlife Refuge. It is foolish to believe that the normal laws of supply and demand are viable in the oil industry.
No way. Even the best projections don't have us drilling enough oil to do more than a drop in the bucket, it would be ten years before the drilling could actually supply us with any oil, and the potential harm we could cause while creating no benefits make this obvious.

Why would we do it? Cheap oil? If we keep worrying ourselves only with cheap oil, we'll never truly fix the crisis we created... Oil is dying, soon to be a dead technology -- what will live?
all you have to do is read some of these stupid answers as why we should not drill anywhere'; it would not help'; is the same lame azz excuse the Know nothing have been using for over twenty years and you see what they have caused. $4.00 gas can been directly blamed on the environmentalist and their hammer hold on congress
NO! Gas prices have nothing to do with supply and demand, at least not in the conventional way.鈥?/a>
are you insane??? do you want us to be independent and non reliant on foreign oil? do you want the democrats to do something in the best interest of the people? where do you think you are, the USA??????
yes, also start drilling off the coasts too! China with the help of Cuba is getting oil 58 miles off the Florida coast. Next, we will be buying oil from cuba.
Drill Hillary's greasey A** if there's oil there,Alaska,and all 3 coasts.
yes if they think there oil in my back yard there welcome to dig with a 70/30 split there favor
...after we strangle environmentalists in their beds
Yes. And off the US coast. And mine the tar shale in Colorado.

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