Monday, April 26, 2010

Liberal Peak Oilers & Obama said oil is running out. Doesn't price collapse prove them wrong?

Just think about what you just said. We keep taking oil out of the ground. One day it will be gone. Or do you think oil comes from your home planet? You say ';if oil is running out.'; ONE DAY IT WILL BE GONE. Read that sentence until you understand it. There is no underground endless supply of oil. One day it will be gone. Why do you think the dems are pushing for alternative energy and battery run cars? One day it will be gone.Liberal Peak Oilers %26amp; Obama said oil is running out. Doesn't price collapse prove them wrong?
Even the oil companies now admit they've crossed over the peak in accessible oil. What the rapid decline in the price of oil proves is that the price is being manipulated by speculators. That should really piss off you conservative free marketeers.Liberal Peak Oilers %26amp; Obama said oil is running out. Doesn't price collapse prove them wrong?
You do realize how foolish you sound? It is a limited resource. Would it not be smarter to plan for that end now or do you just want to screw your children and let them deal with it? Or are you one of those 2012 end of world people so you have support of reasons for not caring?
America has more oil than Saudi Arabia. There is still so much oil that we haven't gotten to yet. The only problem is that it is difficult to process.
We're not running out of oil. Obama just wants people to think that so he can get his buddies that own alternative energy companies exclusive government deals...GE (Smart Grid), T. Boone Pickens (wind farms)
No. We have a temporary excess of oil due to economic slow down. Enjoy it while you can. We will have $80 a barrel oil within a year.
No. Oil is a limited commodity--like it or not.
Theoretically, you are right. But people cannot raise the money to buy up the oil because the financial markets are still frozen. They are frozen because of global economic collapse. And the global collapse is what drove down the price of oil.

So in order to buy up all that cheap oil, you have to have the capital. To get the capital you have to get the world economy moving. And as soon as you do that the oil demand will go up and it won't be cheap anymore.

EDIT: There is a finite amount of sand in the world.
at the End of Last Summer Senator Chuck Hagel and The Secratary of Agriculture wrote me back xplaining that they were going to increase the fines and prosecution against the Speculaters that were Manipulating the Market prices for oil..........!

it is in the New Farm Bill~!

i noticed the oil prices dropped real fast after that Bill was attached~!

i posted the letters on here but some Neo-cons wet their panty's and had me violated, gang violated...........!

i still have the letters layin around here somewhere~!
Oil is a finite resource, just because the supply isn't drying up today doesn't mean that it is not a reality for the future.

At the rate of consumption we are going at oil cannot and will not last forever.
No one--besides a few kooks--claim ';oii is running out.'; Certainly not Obama.

The situations this:

a) the US does not have enough oil reserves to mmet our current consumption--drilling or no dirilling. Sothe conservatives want to betray America by keeping us hostage to foreign oil suppliers rather than change.

b) Oil is an essentially obsolete technology. Hybrids or electrics are cheaper to operate and electrics are, once produced in volume, cheaper to build. So the conservatives--none of whome knows squat about engineering, want consuers to keep using outdated technology just so they don't have to change.

c) oil (and coal) are the root cause of global warming and is already causing problems, which are only going to get worse if we don't act. So conservatives--none of whome understand the science--rant ';it's only a theory'; and demand we don't change anything.

Oh--one more thing:

d) No one is paying any attention to the conservatives. Why should we suffer or do without just so they don't have to change?
They are saying that to hopefully drive up prices. The liberals want it to run out so we can all drive cars on corn oil. So much for all the people that work in the oil business from taking it out of the ground and getting it to your local gas station.

Oh wait, they won't let us drill either.
I've been hearing this since before I could drive.
  • colorsilk revlon
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