If middle eastern nations want to go to war with each other over religion why should we be interested at all? Other than keeping the price of oil in check, what possible reason should we keep poking the hive with a stick (our constant military presence) which only seems to cause more blowback to us and wasted money than anything else over the last 40 years?
If we had nothing to do with them, and they wanted to hurt us by withholding oil, would this be a worthwhile exchange? Keep in mind, the leadership of these middle eastern nations thrives on the money we pay out for the oil, so realistically they needs the relationship as much as we do.If the price of oil quadrupled but as a result terrorist no longer considered us their enemy...worth it?
Nope, it would be devastating to our economy. The majority of our oil does not come from Islamic countries anyway.If the price of oil quadrupled but as a result terrorist no longer considered us their enemy...worth it?
nope......oil prices and terrorism have different backgrounds....one has economical reason (opec) while the other has an ideological (bin laden etc....) reason for exsistence
Our biggest enemy is the Democrat Party.
1. They stopped our drilling in Anwr.
2. They will not allow us to drill on Oil Rich Government Land.
3. They will not allow us to drill on many Off Shore Areas.
4. They will not allow more Oil Refineries built.
5. They will not allow Nuclear Power Plants built.
Thanks, Democrats, for voting for HIGH GAS PRICES.
(I'm hoping that at least some Democrats work and have to pay high gasolene prices, too. I hope some Democrats work for a living.)
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