Real ideas please!What can the American people do to make oil companies lower gas prices?
stop buying gas...shoot a few of the exec....don't elect a pres. that's owned by the oil companies....What can the American people do to make oil companies lower gas prices?
Allow them to build more refineries. Allow them to tap unexplored sources. The government is the ones holding this up. Congress that is. oh and the feds are taking in about .30 per gal while the oil companies are only getting about .08 per gal. Let lay the blame where it should be.
Of course war with another country, especially an oil country doesn't help matters. But Americans can do a lot. Stop buying so much gas. Only go places that are absolutely necessary, car pool, take a bus, walk or ride a bike if it's feasible in a particular situation. Buy vehicles that are more energy efficient and demand that auto makers produce them. Can you imagine what it would do to the oil companies if America would just get rid of all of it's SUVs?
Don't vote people into Presidency that were previously employed by or have ties to Big Oil.
Drive better fuel efficient vehicles. Less demand = lower prices.
Bush is a Lame Duck. There was no reason to invade and occupy Iraq. But our need for oil was apparent. And as we all know now, or at least it has become public, Bush had intentions of invading Iraq when he came into office.
But things didn't go as planned. There were no ';flowers'; or 'singsongs'; about freedom and liberty. We went in with a heavy hand and we have killed unmercifully for five years and counting.
What do we do?
We speak our minds although it will do little good at this juncture.
and so we are very very careful the next time around. We elect someone we can trust, if that is at all possible. We can even demand the use of paper ballots. We cannot trust voting machines anymore no matter WHAT we are told.
We hope and pray for a president who, amongst other positives, at least has diplomatic skills and and is world traveled.
More than anything we hope and pray that the carnage and destruction in Iraq comes to an end. Until then, we will continue to suffer the consequences of high oil prices.
Even when we leave and that country takes over its own we will still suffer.
But not so much if we have a president who can smooth over past mistakes.
Law of supply and demand: if we stop buying it, the price will go down.... if we keep buying it, the price will go up because the demand is high
1) Switch to one car per family instead of 3 or 4. If there will be fewer cars...the demand for gas will drop and the prices are gonna have to be lowered.
2) Invest more in a eco-friendly cars instead of having several regular cars. This way the prices will drop and the air-polution will decrease as well.
3) Strike. Organize a national campaign and urge people to NOT gas their cars on a particular day. The ONE day many Americans will stay away from the gas stations will make a hell of a difference!
Well they can stop buying the oil that they produce or find other ways not to use cars that dont use a lot of gas. Well in the news they said because of the winter thing with Catrina they are still having trouble making the pumps work i think that's a lot of B.S they know what there doing and if the stores try to sell it cheap they can get in trouble. now that interesting.
stop driving their gas guzzlers.
The more we demand gasoline, that is, buy more of it fill our huge SUVs, the longer prices will stay where they are. Same concept as any other merchant. What does any retailer do when they have product they're having trouble selling? They put it on sale. If we collectively shrink the demand for gasoline, the market will force them to lower the price. This is a real idea. But the problem is, it's hard to get 300 million Americans on board with this plan. Until it happens, the oil companies will continue doing what they do, because they know our demand will continue to be high. I'm sure this isn't the answer anyone wants to hear, but I believe it to be true.
invest in alternative fuel, Brazil is practically independent from oil companies, if they can do it and they are not as advanced as we are, why cant we?.....thanks to all those FAT CATS in the government.
How about kicking all the illegals out of the country and we'll have several million people not buying gas so the price would go down.
Before you start griping about the price of a gallon of gas here in the states, check out this list of gas prices around the world.
Gas prices on April 17 or 18. Data for EU countries were provided by the AA Motoring Trust.
Prices are listed in U.S. dollars
United Kingdom $8.37
Netherlands $7.52
Norway $7.33
Belgium $6.95
Denmark $6.95
Germany $6.72
Portugal $6.65
Finland $6.57
France $6.50
Sweden $6.50
Hungary $5.63
Poland $5.63
Slovakia $5.59
Austria $5.40
Ireland $5.40
Slovenia $5.36
Switzerland $5.17
Spain $5.14
Czech Republic $5.10
Greece $4.91
Italy $4.80
Lithuania $4.72
Latvia $4.61
Estonia $4.30
Luxembourg $4.27
Japan $4.16
United States $2.88
Kazakhstan $2.75
Russia $2.68
Mexico $2.38
China $2.19
Nigeria $1.92
Saudi Arabia $0.45
Venezuela $0.19
We don't rely on oil from the middle east, the rest of the world does. We have plenty of oil resources here in the US. That's why our gas prices stay relatively low compared to the rest of the world. The countries that pay less than us either have their own resources, or are kept artificially low by subsidies from their governments. Many of those countries are facing major financial problems because of it.
The problem is the lack of oil refineries and an increase in demand.
';The current refinery squeeze has been building for years. For the past two decades, deregulation and low profits have combined to push the industry into consolidation. Partly because of environmental regulations, it was cheaper to expand existing refineries than to build new ones. In 1981, the US had 324 refineries with a total capacity of 18.6 million barrels per day, the Department of Energy reports. Today, there are just 132 oil refineries with a capacity of 16.8 million b.p.d., according to Oil and Gas Journal, a trade publication.'; - Christian Science Monitor September 21, 2005
Our gas prices have spiked recently because refineries have been shut down for maintenance.
Ask for a percentage of the take, not only the stock holders. If the oil company was made to contribute to the betterment of all needy families and individuals, companies and other depleted areas in society, their profit margin would be much lower and someone could actually say the oil industry has been good for the people, instead of always being good for the few.I really think if the money is going to be made by these large companies, they need to start contributing back into other areas . To the holders of the great wealth, I would say ( bring it home, bring it back home and Thank You)
Prevent going into war with other countries.
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