Monday, April 26, 2010

Do you really think the President has no control or influence over the price of oil?

Are you really in denial that deeply? Our policies in the Middle East greatly affect the price of oil.

Oil was $30 a barrel before the War in Iraq. It has increased 300% since then. The increase in demand does not account for that. Why do speculators drive up the price of oil? Because they think the supply will be restricted even more.

Every time there is talk about war with Iran the price goes up.

BBC news reports- Iran war 'could triple oil price'鈥?/a>

The threat of a cut in Iranian oil exports has been the main factor driving oil prices higher in recent months, with the price fluctuating either side of $70 per barrel.Do you really think the President has no control or influence over the price of oil?
when the president is an oil man and they vice president is an oil man and the price increases it is not to hard to figure out you would think that he would have put a price freeze on it a long time ago and that would have been the right thing to do for the American publicDo you really think the President has no control or influence over the price of oil?
He might not have control over OPEC, but he sure has control over 100 years of oil reserves in this country. Bush does not want oil prices to go down. His dad is an oil magnate and Bush will be one one day---and the higher the gas price, the more profit for them---not to talk about Cheney and his Halliburton which he turned over to his wife so that he could become VP. Bush has all the control--but he does not want to do it....
He may not have a lot of presidential control,,,but he is so well connected with big oil and oil producers that on personal friendships alone he can pull a lot of weight.

Problem is his friends are getting filthy rich as a direct result of his Mid East policies, and he's not about to change it.
racin. At the present time all Oil producing countrys are at

Maximum capacity out put, Which to the un-informed means

they can't put anymore to the market than they already are.

The only country not at Max is Iraq, currently AT 17%.

Bidding has begun for oil supply,, so please lets get a grip

here and put things in the proper persepective. Its all aimed

we buy most of our oil from canada and mexico--per t.v. news i saw last week---be that as it may--the seller establishes the price not the buyer.--if the world would stop using so much oil the price would come down. some need somebody to blame and they use the president as a whipping boy. i dont like the price either but i dont blame him
How could he?If he did why would gas be so expensive? he is not OPEC.Dont let any left wing wacco tell you otherwise. Remember he just sent everyone free money.Would a lefty do that?Hell no!!!The will raise your taxes.They are so tupid,they already told us that and yet the incredibly stupid folks in this counry might still elect them.The president has very very little affect on oil prices.
It went up today because of a boat firing a shot at another boat in the gulf..this stuff is nuts..since OPEC controls the price its nothing more than a terrorist tactic...OPEC also said it won't increase its production, which means it could but won't .. so it is keeping the price high for no reason other than terrorists
Ask Jimmy Carter what happens when a President gets involved in the price of oil. We get NO oil. Been there done that and have the T-shirt to prove it.
It is just because the world market for oil is increasing because of China and India. Don't be so naive America doesn't control fuel prices the OPEC countries like Saudi Arabia do.
It sounds like from your question the media has more of an influence over the price of oil than the president does.
He has some control, though not as much as congress.
Yes, in fact I grantee it 100%. How do you explain the cost of gas in the UK being over $5 a gallon? Case in point, in the city I live in has an oil refinery close to it. They once put out a film in the air that settled on the local cars which ate off the paint on those cars. It was taken to court and the citizens won the case. the oil company had to pay to have every single one of those cars totally repainted. The oil company had to make up those losses some way so they raise the price of gas over .10 cents more per gallon than anywhere else in the country for several years after that and they were the only gas distributer in the area. So the citizens still ended up paying for all of those cars being painted, even the ones that weren't in that class action law suit.

Iraq has nothing to do with it either. Iraq pipes their oil to Saudi and OPEC cuts them a check. We only get 17% of our oil from Saudi so that blows your theroy out of the water.

The president has NOTHING to do with the price of gas. If you really want to blame someone, blame Hillary and Obama. They both have said that if they get elected, they were going to take the profits from the oil companies and give it to the poor. The oil companies are driving up the price now just in case either one of them do get to be president so they can't take the money they have already made away from them.

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